By Bill Curry
When a company is new it's easy to know what the Strategy is and for everyone in the company to live it - or they don’t survive. Once a company has progressed to their next level of success they are then bound by their Soulful Purpose in order to achieve greater success.
For a company past this initial survival stage their Soulful Purpose may not be obvious. It can be brought to the surface by the stories you tell about the company. The heroic deeds performed, the near-death experiences you survived and the recognitions received. All these stories contribute to why you are doing what you do. It is never about being the best or the biggest. It is about the contribution you make, how simply by being, you make a difference!
The Vision of one’s future is as Victor Frankl saw in the believing of what can be. It is the story of your Soulful Purpose unfolding as it relates to your leadership, people, processes, and customers. It manifests in the energies and activities of what you do and how you do it.
When an organization knows its Soulful Purpose, it will know what its core values have to be. Living this conscious life does not mean you are perfect but it does mean you never lose sight of the behaviors expected.
Your Soulful Purpose is what aligns you and keeps everyone moving in the same direction. You follow it unconsciously, as your people do instinctively and autonomously, without constant oversight.
The solution lies in their understanding the nature of decision-making; that every decision is made within a set context. The context is what they are there to do, what the company stands for and where it is going. The leaders must constantly reinforce the Soulful Purpose of the organization.