by Dan Greenwald
- Be active in and attend regional and national association events.
- Take the lead in lobbying for change, become a voice for the industry.
- Reach out and build relationships with owners of peer companies.
- Broadcast that you are open to partnerships.
- Read industry media like magazines, web sites, blogs, etc.
- Be an SME and thought-leader in your industry.
- Provide value to the influencers at your key vendors. Serve on their advisory boards.
- Be an active influencer in your Buying Groups.
- Be an active influencer with your software user’s group.
- Look outside the your industry for concepts that you can apply.
- Bring leading edge ideas to your company.
- Recognize and promote other thought leaders.
- Championing the cause of bettering the lot of all channel partners.
- Expose yourself and experience the reality from other’s perspective … Your employees, Your customers, Your customer’s customers, and Your vendors and manufacturers.
- Take risks in exploring the possibilities.